Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Winter Blues

Well this is the time of year everyone dreads...February and March. The time when everything turns brown and dingy. Everyone has had enough of the cold and snow....even sinking to a level of depression over the lack of sun, outdoor activity and the seemingly endless months of driving in snow, slush and ice. But we don't have to think this way or feel this way.

Think of these months as the beginning.....

The beginning of Spring! Soon the sights of blossoms will greet our eyes. The scent of blossoms will fill the air with a natural fragrance you wish you could bottle up. As we head into Spring, we see the beginning of life. The miracle of God's love as nature begins to rebuild itself after the cold, snowy season.

Begin planning your garden. For those starting their own seeds for their garden, you should be starting soon. Most seeds need to be started indoors an average of 10 weeks before being planted into the garden. Check your seed packages for timeframes. This is also the time I take to decide what I want, how much I want (for canning, freezing, eating, donating) and how I want the rows to be. To me this is exciting! The beginning process of your garden. After all, who can hardly wait for the abundance of fresh veggies at hand in the peak of summer. There is nothing like going out to the garden and asking yourself, "what do we want for dinner tonight?"

Begin Planning your summer plans. Summer vacations, vacation Bible school, kids camps, whew! The closer you get to summer the busier your life will get, especially if you have kids. Make sure you get your kids involved. Where do they want to go? What do they want to do? If you're on a strict budget (who isn't), challenge yourselves to find a reasonable place to go. Some places in the Michigan Upper Peninsula only require a state park sticker to get it. Can you find some place to go for free? These plans can make the winter blues go so much easier.

Begin Your Spring Cleaning. It may not be the most enjoyable job, but think of it when it's done....just in time for the sunshine. Cleaning out, getting rid of the old, making room, seeing parts of your house that you haven't seen in awhile.

Beginning of yard sale season! Yes...hard to think of that, but it's not too far off, especially after everyone gets their spring cleaning done. It becomes a mad race to be the first to have one. Begin making your list of stuff you'll look for. If you have kids, get sizes ready. Nothing like starting a new school year with a whole 'new' wardrobe for the kids without the new wardrobe price. Are you looking for certain appliances? Outdoor furniture? Tools? Yard sales are the place to look, especially if you are on a tight budget. When I started planting my large garden to can fresh vegetables, I knew I needed to buy a pressure canner. Looking in the store, I realized the price for a good pressure canner started around $50 and went up depending on the size and brand. I found two pressure canners at a yard sale for $10 each. One canner was missing the seal, however I was able to order it online for about $10. So for $30 I have two quart-size pressure canners.

Make the best of these months, learn from them, enjoy them...because each month is a gift from God.

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