Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Living Easter Basket

If you have ever had or have given an Easter basket, then you know about the pesky Easter 'grass' that seems to multiply as fast as you try to clean it up. Alternatives to the grass are tissue paper, new socks (although not much fun), stuffed animals, bags of candy, and anything else to take up the space of a basket.

Here is the alternative to the alternative. It's called a Living Easter Basket. You will need: an Easter basket, potting soil/dirt, grass seed, plastic wrap, and a spray bottle. For the grass seed you can use any seed you prefer. There is a couple that will grow within 7-14 days.

Fill the basket about 1/3 of the way with dirt. Generously spread grass seed over the dirt. Sprinkle about an 1/8" of dirt over the seeds, making sure they are covered. Mist with water. Cover with plastic wrap and put basket in a warm place. Mine is on top of the fridge/freezer. Every day pull back plastic wrap and mist dirt with water and cover back up. You should see grass in about 7-14 days. You may even need to cut the grass with scissors if it gets too high before Easter.

Use as needed for an Easter basket. After Easter, take out to yard and plant in a spot with very little grass. Enjoy!

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